Remember my post here, here & here...
I did a little research few days ago. pi beli carrot cake SR & compare with mine. since aku bukanla kaki carrot cake so i need a standard of measurement to make sure apa yg aku bake ni tidak melanggar norma-norma yang perlu ada dlm sepotong carrot cake :p

Sound simple, tapi kan pada aku.. being a cake maker kite tak boleh syok sendiri. it's ok if you want to be different/unique tapi basic kene selari. cth, kalau buat cheese cake kene la ada rasa cheese nya. takkan buat cheese cake rasa banana cake. camtu la logic yg aku pakai.
If choc cake aku tak risau sbb aku kan Choc Monster! so i know exactly how it should taste. If cheese cake pulak, skang tgh berjinak2 & i found out that combination of cheese + lemon mmg superb. so if you come across to taste my cheese cake/ any cakes with creame cheese topping sure akan ada aroma lemon sbb i just found it's a PERFECT MATCH!
Well, i still use the same recipe but add some fresh pineapples and *secret ingredient* . This secret ingredient muncul ketika berbicara dgn seorang pakar kek. she didn't tell me exactly but apa yg dia ckp tu terus masuk kat kepala so terus ku google :p
tips : carrot gemuk2 sihat gebu + grater yg kasar + fresh pineapples (don't ever use canned fruit sbb rasa dia akan mencacatkan kegenuinan carrot cake!)

last week order: Cakes for Her
Theme : suci murni
Theme : suci murni

Supporting Actress;
white choc, cream cheese, lemon chunk & desiccated coconut (for extra exotic taste!)
Trust me, after a few attempts you will find your own *secret ingredient* because carrot cake is unique & priceless!
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