every cakes has their own stories....
last weekend, i've been requested to bake cake & cupcakes for little boy & my husband's colleague.based on my interpretation, cakes for him must be something simple yet meaningful.
for si comel, his mum give me full freedom to decide the concept. pesanan dia 'asalkan menarik & in blue theme'. maka, bergegas ku ke funbake utk cari supporting character since i'm not the expert to create my own character. nntila, kalau dh tau sugar paste/fondant maybe..
oh! i'm so delighted to have these cute yellow ladybird masa dok browsing dlm kedai. terus dpt ideas nk buh ladybird kat grass matched with a perfect sprinkle m&m choc on top!
since he's a boy, so no more swirling. just a simple in circular motion. tapi kat tgh2 nk buh ladybird tgh skodeng m&m. the bad news, aku tersilap dgr age dia. dh beli candles with no 2. skali sib baik checking last minute, dh 3 tahun rupanyaaaa... so, pagi2 before deliver sempat tukar candles. ishkk.. lain kali kene buh dlm reminder. tula byk sgt pk :p

alhamdulillah, my new customer love it n anak dia seronok sgtt. she give me positive feedback & sempat promote kat fb. thanks syahida. em, anyway i appreciate feeedback from customer tak kisah apa jenis. sbb being cake baker ni tak semestinya kite buat sedap. so kalau org komen, slowly boleh improve ;)
so, next.. request from hubby's network. new customer jugak. nk celebrate his 50th bday. nak design mcm prev cake. cuma, i add choc rice ball sbb kali ni nk simple je since nk buh no 50.i bake steam moist choc cake with classic ganache. . me, influenced by mcD sundae choc topping :p

then, another batch of cupcakes as a wedding gift. too bad tak sempat nk captured sbb takut delay deliver cakes.
our annv cake? postphone daaa , but it will be baked using my latest cake Pan with 'Heart' shape ;).. cuma tak tau bile :p
ps: my next entry adalah berkisarkan Cakes for Her pulak. Stay Tuned!
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