every cakes has their own story. let me start with this colourfull cupcakes;
2 weeks ago, my ex-uni friend buzzed me thru ym request for her son's bday cupcakes. nk bawak ke genting.. huhu. her son minat Car. so, jenuh gak pk mana cari.. nk lukis tak reti. nk buat fondant character tak reti fondant :( . call my assistant merangkap advisor, so dia bagi source nk order edible image. call supplier, browse image, send thru email. DONE!
setel edible image kene pk pulak design. actually nk something agak unique. so while driving back home, lalu kat area Graha Makmur yg cun & tenang tu terus dpt idea. rumput2 yg ceria & colourfull!
flow: bake 3c's cupcakes (4.am), decorations (8.00pm), photoshoot (6.13am, friday), deliver to customer (12.30am friday) ..
happy once get immediate feedback from sabrina. she loves it! then tak sangka nmpk muka her son. actually, cilok gambar from her fb.. sib baik tak kene marah! hehe.. so, hari2 berwana2 kegembiraan.. thanks ina! sempat bagi few cupcakes with another flavour. kawan dia suka pulak & sempat kami bentangkan sesi perbincangan for next project.. another great news!

then, supposed i deliver another bday cakes on sunday. but, loyal customer ku iaitu dyla ruhaila sms bgtau nk sabtu petang!. so balik keje jumaat tu, terus ku bake another chocolate moist cakes. abissss.. strawberry tak beli lagii!
second last project, carrot cakes with walnut & pineapples ordered by my colligue, abg fatah. kelakar jugak masa dia order dia takde idea nk makan kek apa. so, i tanya dia balik 'cakapp je nk kek apa.. nnti sy try la buat'. last2 dia terpk nk kek carrot sbb masa dia based kat brunei dia sukaaa sgt carrot cake. huhu, pucuk dicita ulam mendatang. aku mmg nk test carrot cake + pineapples. so ada reason la nk mengetest!
bila dah bukak kedai cake sound aku tau!
hajja, ko nk jadi investor ke?? hehehehe.. kidding! aku rasa cam selesa baking from home. incase la one day sok byk duit leh wat kedai yg chick sikit.. hehe.. berangan berangan...
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