few days ago hubby asked me to bake cakes & cupcakes for makan2 event/farewell party staff & practical trainee @mmu. since ff is not feeling well, i took emergency leave & let hubby make his first visit to KingHing (bakery supplier)
seriously, rasa ragu2 gak mamat ni nk membeli belah since dia bukanlah kenal sgt solo cup yg menarik, pisau plastik, kotak2 yg memenuhi spesifikasiku or even shortening. jadi i was like, gamble jela..
Boy, i'm totally wrong!! hubby ku lagii la manageable/alert orangnya. dia suh aku sms apa nk beli then dia salin dlm paper kecik pastu waktu rehat pi BS. in less than 1 hour, balik umah senyum2 sbb wife dh sms suh balik makan since dh masak mcm2 :)
Terkejutt ber*k gaklah bile tgk takde satu pun item missing then rasa terharu gile bila hubby bawak balik cake pan in Heart shape! mayhbe hints kot suh wat annv cake :p. wahh, mau bergenang air mata ku kesayuan. well, it's not that, aku saje2 je tak buat kek kami. tapi since tetiba skang ni every week byk request (alhamdulillah) so we both agree yg kek kitorg tu postphone dulu. lagipun, insyaallah nk try special cake yg agak leceh nk buat. but i promise, bday ff nnti wajib la. if not mau ff merajuk seminggu :P
So, for hubby's event @ office, aku bake 2 big cakes & 60 cupcakes. well, si hantu kek ni bake dgn penuh happy eventho in short durations time. all in all, semua kek ready by 2.30am! maka, esoknya aku terhuyung hayang pi office kejar closing date pulakk.. haha
oh ye, pls don't expect any superb design sbb aku buat yg simple2 je. janji tastenya semua org leh terima. kali ni, conceptnya adalah Fresh Bite!
moist choc cupcakes + blueberry topping & mango dice

alhamdulillah, there's are few confirmed orders after this Cake Party.
ps: hubby is good in marketing .. hoho. i love u darl!!
ps: hubby is good in marketing .. hoho. i love u darl!!
i teringin sgt nk makan ur cakes! bilela agaknye dapat merasa.. u bley hntar ke KL ke?
so far tak ade delivery smpai sana lagi. but if nk amik kat exit ayer keroh ok la(bebila you pi selatan)..
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