due to skill limitation, one of my 2010 mission adalah belajar fondant supaya aku rasa yakin nk entering wedding event. fondant kan stunning & robust (pinjam terms system development life cycle)
suddenly on 11th january, someone yg dah lama lost contact, email me tru fb & request buatkan wedding cake for her little brother. my oh my, aku terus check chat list, fine dia ada. so chatting la kitorg . i recalled back our conversation (lebih kurang)
me: lia, nk confirm balik. are you serious nk suh baking wedding cake?
lia : ha yulie, serious la. nmpak sedap je kek coklat tu
me: tgk ngn rasa lain.. hehe. gambar je tuu. oh, nk buat makan2 pihak lagi satu ye.. kalau camtu okla (lega dh...)
lia : bukan, ni nak buat pengantin potong. ala, yg selalu posing manja2 smbil potong tu..
me: *gosok mata*.. lia, biar betul?
lia : yulie buat la mcm mana pun, 23/1 ni nak tau...
me: colour theme wedding apa?
lia : purple cair a.k.a lavender
me: ok, yulie try dulu. kalau rasa-rasa tak confident nanti , i'll call you back
lia: *gelak*.. yulie mesti boleh punya...
oh myyyy! kek pengantin mana boleh main2.. silap haribulan, cair before potong smbil posing manja nnti. adusss, nayaaa je kang
seriously, ini betul2 new & big challenge for me. kalau setakat hantaran, ok lagi sbb terus hantar kan. tapi for wedding byk bende kene pk
i) frosting kene robust = aku tak tau fondant!
ii) photographer nk snap = takkan nk buat kek yg colour hitam/coklat? ok, masa browsing ada jugak western yg buat tapi more to rileks punye wedding/unofficial reception. dhlah tu, setakat ilmu cetek ni, frosting coklat yg biasa buat agak cepat cair. tak sempat posing manja2 nanti dh cair.. aduiii maluuu pulak nnti
so, pk punye pk.. i spent 1.1/5 weeks browsing. balik keje, browsing kat rumah smpai husband balik kelas. huhu.. mengalahkan org buat assignment master rasanya :p
mula-mula, browsing jugak kek coklat for wedding. then, the next day upgrade idea. chocolate cake with fresh flower. surf punya surf, finally i got real ideas. inspired by mat salleh yg selalu deco cake simple2 tapi nmpk marvellous!. so i opt for chocolate cake with white frosting supaya menepati ciri-ciri wedding cake.
discus punya discuss, i suggest kat lia : satu cake besar & cupcakes. then, she agreed & ask me to proceed. so inilah outcomenya:
lavender ribbon ikat kat cupcakes
ribbon sarah ajar, see aku mmg tak reti bende2 ni dari dulu
for big cake, there's a slight defect here and there (first timer katakan.. hehe). serious terketar2 tgn masa main icing ni. i use artificial flowers sbb tak confident nk pakai fresh flower. reason: cake deliver ke muar, deliver on saturday but wedding on sunday. takut la pulak layu ke apa (see, takde experience!). sugar flower kat bakery tak memenuhi spesifikasi apa yg aku draft dlm kepala. so, kawan2 yg terer fondant, this is the right time buat sugar flower lavender ke or purple lily, sure laku.
so, pilih punye pilih, i choose this artificial flowers sbb kaler dia stunning and again, less is more kan? . malam tak boleh tido lena, wake up at 5am then proceed mendeco. lovely icing recipe & robust! i just hope she loved it & hopefully layak dipanggil 'wedding cake' ;)
thanks lia for giving me this golden opportunity & new challenge event hough we never keep in touch since 1992! masa jumpa, rasa mcm jejak kasih, dia kat jb aku kat melaka. jumpa kat exit tol pagoh. we're quite closed walaupun bukan satu skolah rendah!
so, pilih punye pilih, i choose this artificial flowers sbb kaler dia stunning and again, less is more kan? . malam tak boleh tido lena, wake up at 5am then proceed mendeco. lovely icing recipe & robust! i just hope she loved it & hopefully layak dipanggil 'wedding cake' ;)
thanks lia for giving me this golden opportunity & new challenge event hough we never keep in touch since 1992! masa jumpa, rasa mcm jejak kasih, dia kat jb aku kat melaka. jumpa kat exit tol pagoh. we're quite closed walaupun bukan satu skolah rendah!
see, how cakes can get me reconnect with my old best friend (amazing!)
Good job yulie!bravo..bravo!
akak sgt kagum dgnmu dik!!..seriously..:)..
fuhh..makin berani terima cabaran dan ternyata mmg mengagumkan..tahniah!!
thanks m'jah for ur moral support. aku sungguh terharu ;)
kak gg, baking make me feel stronger & increase confident level. thanks sudi membaca & komen :D
nor, tq2!
yulie, proud of u babeh! well done :D
wah yulie!congrats!
well done...i like it too!
LESS IS MORE..u rite
waahh..tabik spring toing!toing!!..hihihi...
cantik la yulie.
konsep kte same..
less is more. =)
kalo gini..p amik kelas la wey. aku ni nak g, tapi anak2 kecik lah.susah nak tinggal.huhuhuu
**pastu kongsi skills yg ko dpt ngan aku ek..
congrats yulie! -recently pembace blog yg hoping can find beneficial obsession like u too-
wah..hebat betul ko yulie..kagum aku tgk gambar2 kek ni kt fb ko..huhu..
proud of u beb..huhu..bila bleh dpt rasa air tangan ko nih?
congrats kak! wah..kagum dgn kesungguhan kakak.kalo da minat mmg mcm ni la kan.saye harap saye akan menemui minat yg boleh memotivasikan diri saye mcm akak ni.esp. mase saye cuti panjang nanti,sure boring xbekerja di kejauhan sane.ceh!
bagus hobi jana duit
whoot whoot
wawa baizura, tq darling. dulu2 zaman utm kan suka berangan smpai buat webiste wedding planner.. hehe
malyn, betul2.. less is more .. huhu
nanee, aku tak tau bile nk join kelas dgn keje opis melambak2. hari sabtu pun keje. tapi kalau aku belajar nnti kompem aku share ngn ko. ko byk ajar aku wat kek sedap2.. sungguh terharuu.. thanks for being my cyber friend!
hidayah, thanks for dropping by. hopefully u will find ur own nnti, insyallah! chayok chayok
zura, thanks for moral support. yg kompem bulan 6 ni ada event, bday ff.. kalau singgah bgtau la. lama tak jumpa ko!
dhr (skang akak dh ingat awak masa kat smsj. dulu pendiamm je kan?), surely you will find one. dok perantauan nnti mesti mcm2 terpk nk buat. internet ada mcm2, pk je apa yg awak suka so that bile buat nnti tak rasa penat sbb minat!
hajja, thanks!!!!!!!
ehh yulie, kalo resepi itu bukan rahsia..papar le resepi ek. beserta frosting nye resepi.
tapi, kalo rahsia..sila la message aku kat fb resepi tu. nak gak cube...hihihihi
eh nanee, aku dh paste la kat link tu. cuma aku kurangkan gula dia..aku tgh edit resepi tu
hehe yulie, tak sempat bagi pinjam buku pun dah hebak, kalau bagi pinjam buku mesti lagi hebat.
c'mon yulie c'mon c'mon!
hebat hebat.. keep up the creative work! eh dhr tu sape ekk yulie?
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