
Friday, May 15, 2009


pictures courtesy of sis ninie blog - akak, sy cilokk :D

Actually, it's been a while to blog about slim secret. I've set target to achieve 47-48kg but until now still not manage to grab it (yeah, i need to shed off two more kilo's and few inches . tapi mcm mission impossible je..heh ).

so looking at my dad's pictures (thax sis ninie for sharing) i made up my mind to share his secret..

his daily routine
- wake up at 4.30-5am (ntah zaman bile aku bleh bgn awal cmni)
- pi surau & kuliah subuh

- 7.00am, preparing breakfast together with my mom (siapla riuh rendah dapur tu)
* heavy breakfast (nasi goreng ke mihun ke) tapi lempeng oat nipis tak tinggal ;) + nescafe tarik panas

7.30am, helping my mom packing kerepek2
- he is handyman (bley buat rumah) + creative (boleh jahit baju, jahit langsir.. anak dia je ni ntah bile nk blajar) & tempat kongsi rahsia

- 8.30am - 12.00noon -outdoor activity - lunch + get ready to surau again for zohor
- 2.00 -3.30pm , indoor activity - baca paper, rehat
- 4.00 - 9.00pm : iqra' session + ypk + sakinah activity
- 10:30 - get sleep - every tuesday ke apa tah.. had leasure time watching wrestling ;)

above all this, i guess his secret tips are:

* non-smoking
* bzzz memanjang
* high metabolism
* workaholic
* tak bley tgk cili.. terus hormon pelawasan aktif..hehe
* morning person

*** ayah, happy becoming father's day ;)


N I N I E said...

wah, gambo kitorang lak yg byk interframe ini blog.. ahaks!

yulie said...

takpe.. cun.. ;)

Anonymous said...

ayah ko mcm ayah aku.. leh menjahit, basuh/lipat baju (ni feberet dier), kupas bwg, potong daging(ni pon feberet), msk seme. so bkn alasan utk lelaki ckp mane ade laki yg sanggup wat kije isteri, msk, basuh baju, lipat baju. sbb mmg ade ok ;)


