before this, byk kali aku bgtau dia. i don't mind keje admin ke, keje belakang tabir ke but i have a big problems kalau kene keje luar + keje weekend. dhlah, weekdays keje dari pagi smpai 6-7pm .. abis weekend pun nk keje smpai petang ke? someone suggest me to bawak anak pi opis?? hey!! i'm not that crazyyy.. dhlah ofc env tak sesuai dgn budak, dgn clinical waste berdekatan, ko ingat aku nk anak aku terdedah kat bende2 camni???
i'm not complaining. ye aku tau, keje ni sumber rezeki. tapi kalau dh meeting smpai pukul 4-5 pagi. serious i can't stand it anymore. only god knows betapa penatnya drive ke kl dari pagi then tgh malam drove back. boleh je nk stay, tp aku mmg tak boleh nk tinggal anak.
i have bad experience last week, tertido masa drive. drive alone @12 midnite esp kat pedas (tak tau la lalu pedas ni rasa mcm khayal je.. rasa mcm lamaaanyaa jarak diaa..) luckily, tuhan masih syg kot. kalau tak sia2 je masuk front page. then, lg skali accidently tido jugak masa tunggu traffic light. but, i'm still in lucky mode. tiba rumah, bake pulak (boleh je bake esok, tp aku kan gile bake..huhu). haih, work too hard la last week ..
business? alhamdulillah.. dgn stress2 ni, i managed to complete all orders. few orders terpaksa ditolak dgn baik sbb my date mmg full until this few weeks. bukan apa, takut nnti dh janji2 then tak sempat, risau pulak. few customer dh faham smpai ada yg dh book date until dec! ya allah.. syukur sgt. cuma satu je, aku masih belum ada kekuatan a.k.a keberanian to turn this passion into fix business. kepala ni kene brainstorm lebih2 kot.. takut sgt :(
last but not least, did i tell you that i got phone call from someone yg baru makan my cupcakes for bigger business opportunity? actually, this is just a simple cupcakes cuma aku alter buttercream dia. add with cream cheese & liteyo mango-peach yogurt drink. hehe. bile stress kan, sukati2 je create new taste yg secocok dgn tekak aku..
cuma satu je lah, biar betul diorg ni. tak pernah terjangkau dek minda since i still new in baking world. Unfortunately, i can't proceed due to time constraint (he knows aku keje, cuma dia tak tau la aku kene keje weekend2 gak.. huk huk huk)
urghhhh, maybe next time.. who knows ;)
cupcakes yg berjaya membuatkan org offer bigger chances..
kak jgn tolak mentah2 dulu..fikirkan dan buatla istikharah..mane tau, ni memang rezeki akak. good luck, kak!
yulie, i suggestkan u benti keje je la.. buat kek full time! sure lagi masyukkkk!!!! i ni kalau diberi bakat mcm u, dh lama dh benti.. tapi malangnye xde.. buat kek untuk family's consumption bolehla.. utk jual, sure tak laku sbb ghupe burok! :D
btw, i nk orderla ur cuppies ni... i'll be in malacca 16/10.. boleh ke? nak rasalaaaa
you know what, ko kena evaluate betul2 what you want in life.
mmg la banyak benda nak kena pikir, tapi pikirlah baik2.
ntahlah belum ada kekuatan yg 'tu'
kak ika,
i keje time tu. dari pagi smpai petang. tp boleh kot.. nnti jumpa la kat somewhere ke. you melaka kat ner?
hehe.. nk cuppies apa? ala cuakkla nk buatkan utk you.. huhuhuhu
lepas sham abis study aku akan pk betul2.. la ni mmg tak beranii laaa.. hehe
i melaka kat equatorial hotel.. tido sane. i nk cupcakes yg mcm dlm entry u ni.. or any cupcakes yg u rasa paling sedapppppppppp! tapi nk jugak rasa yg dlm entry ni sket.. hehe.. ngade2 tak? :p
ala.... nk cuak apenye... i bukan ct nurhaliza! hahahaha!
terlelap masa drive tu dh kes berat..takleh ckp ape2 ke kat boss ko ke..
yulie, istikharah, you'll find the answer insyaallah.. takpe tak back off now but must start the base now (tak mcm i rasa dh terlambat je hehe). i pray for you dear...
p/ out for tadika sinar iman launching soon ya :)
bende ni tak selalu. tp once kene masuk mmg takleh kuar. aku siap bunyi2kan kunci kete tp diorg wat dekkk je
thanks kak jun.. ni masih dlm fasa memikir. hehe. btw, kat mana tadika tu???
yuliee...kat pedas linggi tu mmg ko kene alert. arwah atuk sedara aku, asal aku nak balik dari seremban ke BP dulu, selalu pesan, linggi-pedas tu keras, kene baca2 sikit...
i know. tempat tu mmg sesuatu. hopefully takde la kene balik mlm2 lagi :(
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