every cakes has their own story;
baking/selling cakes is not the only thing i did. i learn something new in life tru cakes. the value of life..
last 3 weeks, there's a one request from someone unfamiliar. we get connected tru facebook. exchange email, phone no & start communicating with each others. she ask me to bake double celebration cupcakes; hubby's birthday & her 10th wedding annv. nice kan, 10 tahun dh kawin. theme? takde theme since everything dia serah kat aku and she just mentioned nk kaler hijau.
so, once dh finalised. i start bake her cake on thursday sbb plan nk deliver esoknya. mcm biasa, kalau buat anything related to annv i must change my mood to something romantic. aku kan emotional cake maker :P
tiba hari jumaat, she texted me. bgtau dia ambil lewat sikit sbb travel from perak to melaka. so i thought, wah sure vacation/honeymoon ni ..
oh boy, i was totally wrong dia ke sana atas urusan yg peribadi. antara keinginan & tanggungjawab. terkesima bila aku tau hal sebenar.
lepas hubby dia amik cupcakes, i text her again lepas tau her current situation;
me: "Tq kak, happy annv"
her: "TQ yulie. happy? hu.. hu... hu..."
me: "Takpe kak, dugaan. Be strong , ok..
her: "ok je, tp sedih sbb tak buat apa2 pun. betul2 makan cupcakes yulie je ..

Tuhan menduga sbb tuhan tahu kite mmpu mengalaminya. Dugaan kita? Wallahualam
ape jadik kak?*mode:kepochi*
Aah tak paham *blur*
haha dian kepoh ok! :p
yulie, end o july kite ade msia. nnt nk tempah cake / cuppies lah :)
kak awie,
bile tu? sy tutup kedai 12-17/7 .. lain2 kedai dibuka.. hehe
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