actually, terasa sgt terharu dgn apa yg dia rasa tentang apa yg aku ada. ye, kali ni request jauh nun dari melbourne. for those yg tertanya2, actually taklah deliver smpai ke sana.. belum lagi (but who knows satu hari nnti?? hehe). she read my blog (this is the power of technology kan?) and ask me to deliver few cakes to her granny. how sweet she is!
yg paling buat aku terharu, she know every details of cake criteria yg aku dok tepek selama ni. serious, masa mula2 buat blog ni tak penah terpk nk baking. passion in baking ni mcm tetiba je menjelma. setelah melalui beberapa episode kegagalan demi kegagalan, akhirnya aku mcm dh jumpa rentak yg sebati dgn apa yg aku cari2 selama ini. ye, something simple tp meaningful. okla, belumla tahap pro tapi alhamdulillah, ada yg perasan & ramai yg support dari dekat mahupun jauh.
ok, back to cake story, nama pun jauh beribu batu.. so every details we exchange tru email. so far, i'm lucky sbb most of customer sgt open minded & bg idea yg menarik2.. so secara tak langsung in between aku belajar byk bende baru. mmg happy sgt! ye, proses nk belajar tu sometimes mmg stressful. study mengalahkan org amik master :p
for this big cakes, i use special butter for extra delicious taste. actually dia sample utk her sis engangement. so instead of using flower, i replace guna slice strawberry. inspired by my Cakes Book & saidaonline. masa nk layer cake ni, cuak jugak takut silap potong haru nnti. so cari tutorial kat google & found this link . really useful esp utk new learner cam aku :D
for decorations pulak, kalau boleh aku takmo repeat technique yg penah guna incase kalau ada special request. i guess this is the time to try something new. mmg lama dh berkenan dgn cornelli lace . so beranikan diri utk mencuba. rasa2 jadi kot even taklah sekemas mcm pro. hehe. takpelah, practise makes perfect kan? she request silver dragees so i add few ikut logik sbb kalau byk sgt nnti kurang sweet...
kali ni aku tak buh special effect, i just let bottom part tu naked. sexy sikit kot? hehe. then this time around, me & hubby decide to add props. pucuk dicita ulam mendatang sbb hubby pun tgh dlm proses nk sharpen his skill. so, experiment time! setelah berhempas pulas memerah otak (cuba bygkan ada soundtrack i will survive kat sebelah ni.. hehe)..
orait, this is the outcome;
for decorations pulak, kalau boleh aku takmo repeat technique yg penah guna incase kalau ada special request. i guess this is the time to try something new. mmg lama dh berkenan dgn cornelli lace . so beranikan diri utk mencuba. rasa2 jadi kot even taklah sekemas mcm pro. hehe. takpelah, practise makes perfect kan? she request silver dragees so i add few ikut logik sbb kalau byk sgt nnti kurang sweet...
kali ni aku tak buh special effect, i just let bottom part tu naked. sexy sikit kot? hehe. then this time around, me & hubby decide to add props. pucuk dicita ulam mendatang sbb hubby pun tgh dlm proses nk sharpen his skill. so, experiment time! setelah berhempas pulas memerah otak (cuba bygkan ada soundtrack i will survive kat sebelah ni.. hehe)..
orait, this is the outcome;
butter cake + blueberry & cream filling

for cupcakes, she opt for simple design. so senang, moist chocolate-chips cupcakes in simple swirl & silver dragees.. sbb dh try byk kali, so agak kemas sikit.. hehe

third cake, she want moist chocolate cake. while googling i got this ideas. "day & nite chocolate cake" sbb mix dgn white curl. cerita pasal diy choc curl ni, i'm lucky enough sbb masa kemas2 terjumpa matching knife yg still in good condition. stainless steel! it's belong to MIL. maka, menantu mithali ni mintak permission nk guna.. hihi.. happy!
google in powerfull sbb ada mcm2 tutorial free! marilah menggunakan teknologi dgn sebaik2nya... hehe.

again, thanks noreen for great challenge! i wish every cakes meet the specifications eventho you can't taste it . hopefully we can meet somewhere, someday!
PS: sometimes, simple word can bring a big smile. this sweet things happen to me. thanks dear! mana tau masin mulut you.. hehe

pic: credit to hubby, good job dear!
kak noreen izza ke, ex smsj?
sbb aku tahu nenek dia dok melaka belakang rumah aku and dia dok melbourne skrg?
nice cakes btw, sure sedap
lenkali g melaka, nk order kek dgn yulie la, hehe..
best best...bila ada org order dgn kita, org tu sbnrnya trust kat kita. so aku bila nak deliver cake, sure mcm risau dub dab sbb tkt customer complain. dah brp cake buat pun masih gitu. and bila ada yg bg feedback best best....mmg tidur pun dalam senyum.
ni noreen izza ke? my junior... ingatkan dia batch u..bukan ek..
dr hr tu nak tanye lupa la...
dia mmg kat melbourne kan...
btw..dia balik sini ke....
x-smsj, ramai jugak kite2 ni ye? hehe.. tak jumpa real life dpt jumpa kat blog pun jadilaa..
zam, betul la. kalah nk dpt result spm.. :p
owh..mcmtu ke?igtkan mcm mane akak hantar ke melbourne. baru berangan nak suruh hantar ke sudan plak nanti! =)
dian, peh dasat lah kalau boleh deliver smpai ke sudan!
cantik design kek. tahniah. dh ade improvement :)
honey, tqvm! :)
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