i just notice yg hobby kitorg ada strong relationship. he need me as photo model (eventho i'm not qualified enough.. haha) to make his captured moment ALIVE and i need HIS EXPERTISE to make my cakes looks delicious & classy.. what a great combination kan? ;)
photoshoot petang smlm.. si ff dh bising nk keluar..

his first attempt in photo editing

indoor photoshoot before deliver to customer

his first attempt in photo editing

indoor photoshoot before deliver to customer

ps: dulu asyik bosan je takde hobby. hobby lama basuh kete tapi smpai org pelik panas2 terik pun nk basuh kete.. so bile dpt hobby kewanitaan ni rasa HIDUP KEMBALI BERMAKNA.. alhamdulillah
alamak aku nk kene cari hobby kewanitaan gak lah...emm cross-stitch maybe...
lela, ko belajar la jahit beads. kompem aku tempah ngn ko nnti..takpun kite wat sistem batter, aku bg kek ko jahitkan baju aku.. aci tak? aku mmg obses baju berbeading2 ni. malangnya aku takde skill + tak minat sewing. ko lom ada komitmen, senang nk masuk kelas.. hehe
aku sokong tu lela..ko blajo lar jahit..kang aku leh order tuk nadya..topi pun jadi lar..
yulie..cite ko ni really motivate aku tuk buat apa yg aku suke, at the same time berbaloi..yg penting kita akan rasa PUAS..
lela, 2 org dh support.. u go girl!
roha, tu la penat2 keje kene ada something utk self-enjoyment :)
hhahhaa...weh jahit2 baju n beads tu perlukan skill...tp kalu takat cross-stitch tu, tak payah skill pun..jahit je silang pangkah...ngeh3...tp minat tu mmg ade tang jahit2 ni...cume nk start tu je yg payah...kalu dah start..emmm...
jeles tgk yulie dah jumpe ape yg dia suke...huhuhu...
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