idea ni timbul while having quick chat with my old friend yesterday (time skolah tak rapat langsung, masing2 hidup dlm dunia sendiri tapi close in net nowadays.. hehe)
i'm not good in making friend.. maybe idea tak byk sgt kot nk share. hehe.. but i'm trying for it. husband insist me to join few forum sbb kali ni aku ditugaskan utk wat research pasal wet kitchen (hud, hob, oven.. brand.. model.. bla bla) & design master bed room (including build in wardrobe.. material. color.. bla bla bla..) since dia tied up ngn assignment.. i think this is a good time for making friends..
before this ada gak join and syok tukar2 ideas dgn hot mama sekelian esp the founder. till now, i always demand tips from her. thanks nina!. kenal ramai org baru n bykla ilmu2 yg dpt..
sometimes kite rasa lagi selesa having conversation tru net dari real world. surprisingly, dulu time skolah2 or kat uni taklah rapat sgt tapi dlm net ni jadi mcm close pulak. i guess, this is the beauty of cyber world... hopefully kekal smpai bile2 :)
ops... sebelum terlupa, thanks to mai for gift voucher smlm. emm.. she's one of my old/coursmate during uni. we noticed each other dulu tapi tak close.. surprisingly we're getting closer now in cyber world (sharing few secrets and always encouraged each other.. )
mai, tak sbr nk tunggu production floral tunic tops (vintage).. i hope she will be one of fabulous designer in near future. i trust you!
okla, due date for data accuracy really hunting me.. catch up later!
yulie, aku tgh tunggu parcel yg tu la..kalau dpt dlm minggu ni, akan gigih la membuatnye hehe
chayok mai! tak sbr nk tunggu.. kalau boleh aku nk tunic panjang sikit supaya anak dara ku tu dpt puas pakai. huh, skang ni badan & kakinya memanjang ngn jayanyaa..
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