tu sbb aku pelik pasal la i feel the other way around. so mlm ni, since kene jaga ff (kesian hubby, whole day kelas pastu kene get ready for test tomorrow), i'll let ff watch her feveret channel dlm bilik while me sibuk mengalter balik jahitan ni..
sib baik tak jadi tikus membaiki labu.. he he he he he he he
this one supposed to be my main tudung masa raya first aritu. tp tak jadi pakai dek rasa tercekik. i should go for M size. alteration completed. SELESA LAH!
belum siap alter. baru bukak jahitan je.. byk keje lain nk buat la pulak. continue tomorrow la
oh, ni takde kene mengena. saje share selera pelik ku lately mlm smlm. lempeng tak hangit + smbal tumis + ikan goreng (ubi takde.. sob sob sob)
ok, i better log off.. ff dh jerit2 kelaparan. this young lady kene supper kalau tak, tido meraban2 nnti.. baru pas lari2 tenaga makan mlm dh abis dioksidakan agaknya (wajib lipat kain jugakkkk babe)
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