then, hubby ask me to find a suitable product which can reduce or eliminate all problems mentioned . yes, i'm taking Innershine prune which is good for skin and managed to flash out toxine. Currently, my digestive system become normal (thanks innershine) but then I've another problem which is related to internal energy. ni lagi serious kot..
maybe my nature of work make things worst.. driving to KL every week . ok 4 jam la pukul rata pegi balik .. nmpk dekat kan tapi penat oo.. maybe kalau drive murano/stream/wish or livina at least kurang sikit kot. wakakaka.. btw, I wont blame my 'MINI' . she already did a good job for us (dekat 7 taun dh..)
it's about time to do something TO GAIN ENERGY.. so that balik2 dari travel leh terus concentrate kat umah tangga bagi rukun damai sentiasa.. haha
to make it short, neighbour sebelah umah ni dealer ANAEDAR. maka beralih arahla daku kepada islamic product ' QASEH ADINDA' yg Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah jadi duta... tgk sebulan nnti camner hasilnya..
i stop using innershine since last month sbb nk bagi laluan kat Qaseh ni. kang takut terconflict pulak .. hehe
1 comment:
bagus2.. nanti kalau ada nampak hasilnya, ko bagitau aku eh.. sebab aku skrang ni memang minum innershine gak..
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