i know this is not the right time to do experiment. experiment normally mempunyai byk kemungkinan menensionkan diri sendiri. kenapa aku cakap camtu? yelah, dibuatnya hasil ujikaji gagal. tak ke tension tu?
i wanna share some stories. frankly speaking, high school is not my ultimate time. kalau boleh aku mmg nk lupakan zaman high school. why? i didn't blame others, but i totally blame myself. hanyut dlm arus ciptaan sendiri smpai ntah apa2 yg aku dpt. i prefer to play in safe side masa tu. i dont even know waht ' challenge' means to me. loser sungguh!
so after being kicked out from boarding school (sad but true!), i learn something. time tu mmg aku tak takut pun cabaran2 ni. punye gile, lepas pekse sure pi check kertas. time dulu, jgnkan nk pk jawapan, kertas exam pun aku sorok dlm almari. but masa SPM mmg cruel abis. exam abis, terus lari balik hostel, pi check jawapan. haha. sgt puas hati. why puas hati? because i work/struggle too hard. so i'm, telling myself, mmg aku deserved pun nk tau the actual answer. betul salah lain cite janji puas.. org kata ku gile. bende ni jadi smpaila masa masuk U. dikala semua student berpusu2 balik kg after sem, aku & rakan2 seperjuangan termasuklah bf sure tunggu smpai result keluar. roha ngn lela pun ada tak silap. hari2 kitorg dok jengok bilik lecturer & make sure tau result dulu. lepas tau, siap kire2 pointer then barui balikk kg.. so bile result smpai umah, mmg takde la nk risau2.. gile tak?? haha. self satisfaction la even kalau pointer out pun.. alhamdulillah, masa uni time dh bijak sikit :p
ok. back to cake story.. i did some research this week. mmgla agak gile sbb experiment tu melibatkan order org. tp aku dh ckp kat diri sendiri. if failed, i need to bake back from square one. tak kisahlah, janji puas hati. wanna know what i did;
i)berusaha mendapatkan cake height yg best. i did it! walaupun sgt2 risau mengalahkan org dpt result. haha.. look at me. i'm still in my cotton-baju-kurung. haha. sanggup tu bertapa depan oven smbil berlari2 menyuapkan ff. reason: aku nk menyaksikan detik2 if cake overflow. alhamdulillah tidak. so, kesimpulan .. slowly i will find the perfect size to accomplish my mission. not to worry, adunan kek tidak akan berkurangan since before this pakai 9".adunan sama just size je berbeza. tapi taklah drastik nk tukar pun since dh beli size 9" byk. slowly ..
ii) to get the right texture. i must admit, the best choc cake adalah steam cake. but due to some constraint tak semua cake boleh disteam. then steam pun sgt2 memerlukan masa yg panjang. so, i'll use my research findings & apply it.. hehe. so good bye cake berderai, welcome back my moist texture!!
iii) testing new recipe. since comitment yg berlambak2, aku hampir2 melupakan bende yg 'satu' ni. to become successfull cake maker (not to say full time yeah', perlulah sentiasa mencabar diri menghasilkan recipe yg menarik. so, since minggu ni adalah minggu bday (hubby, adik miza), i accidently challenge myself to bake new cake. "accidentally" means aku tak berani nk janji. sgt takut sekiranya tidak menepati janji. then, i bought golden churn butter and convert this cupcakes recipe to cakes. ada beza sikit2 in terms of buh susu tu. so, here we go.. choc cake & butter cake for them. tak jadi sgt la bab apple caramel tu sbb tamak nk buh butter byk.. haha. but.. still this is a good start. so, caramel apple cakes ni will become my MISSION sebulan dua ni. this is gourmet cake & hopefully boleh memikat hati semua org :D
serious tempting gile!! nnti dh berjaya, i launch at YBTC ;)
err. motif posing? since i gain few kilo's saje nk check ada shape ke dak? haha. ni la musibahnya ada cermin depan oven :p
- my version. ala.. pucattnya caramel ku. ni kes tamak buh butter byk masa buat apple sauce. takpe, learn from mistake :P
- so for weekend celeb, i bake butter-apple-caramel & choc cake for the. happy tgk diorg makan esp my 3yr old nephew. kalau tgk kek coklat kat mana2 sure ckp 'kek yulie'.. haha. comells!
- cuppies, i get my texture back :)
- managed to watch cake boss marathon, syafeeqa pun kene paksa tgk skali. haha. takpelah, support mama. ahad ni mama bg layanan first class kat ff. happy je dia borak2 + read books. since ahad mama tak bz, so boleh bg 200% attention. makan pun duduk atas riba you.. mana tak happyu budak kecik ni!
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