
Monday, September 20, 2010

Orders Raya : Review

Salam semua!

my second week keje after cuti raya. actually start keje last week isnin tp mood last week adalah mcm yo-yo. imagine je la keje sorg2. so mmg hati terpk nk balik awal je because i have tons of work kat rumah. bake, kemas yg tak sudah2 (until now pun tak setel2 lagi :p)..

gosh, i've never expected a week before raya orders tetiba boost!before ni mmg hati kecil ada berangan nk buat cookies raya. konon training la kot2 next year terpk nk business cookies pulak. tp, mmg tak boleh berangan sbb tak sempat langsung!

actually, masa first week puasa mcm malas2. so naik second week few peoples nk start buat orders. so, finally mmg tak menang tgn smpai 30th syawal. for those yg tak sempat ku accept orders, insyallah next time ye. punye bz smpai balik kg pun tak sempat bake cake. sorry pagohrian!

anyway, thanks byk2 kepada semua yg sudi orders. walaupun kene tido depan oven (oh sy cintakan oven sy. thanks mr gagah perkasa!), tp bile tgk kek siap terus hilang penat! orait, meh jengok main pictures with labels : order raya (lepas ni kite jengok album after cuti raya pulak.. hehehe...)

orders dari nadya BP, x-trainee. dh 3 kali kot dia orders. thanks dear! theme: reunion

orders dari mommy zikri, nk makan before pi deliver new baby. theme : free style

mmu staff, balqis utk anak2 buah dia. theme ; choc & princess

mmu staff, ramizah. nk bawak balik kelantan. alhamdulillah, tak cair!
cos skang i guna choc ganache & first timer dealing with multi-nuts. ada roasted almond, almond flake, peanut, hazelnut & raisin!
i personally love this cake & falling in love dh.. hehehe
mmu staff, kak rozana. nk makan2 1 syawal. "yulie, strawberry pls"
oh kak, sy bake smbil tertido depan oven tauuu!

carrot cake with pineapples cube. topping: cream cheese, white choc grated
& toasted walnut
my colligue, siti, muar. theme: free style. so i kene pk sendiri :p

for family & family boyfriend. siti, kompme kene pinang pasni :P

seksi tak?? hehe

my colligue jugak. special ideas ni lepas terlelap depan oven (lagi!)

orait.. khatam! for more sexier pictures.. pls click my fb album. thanks to photographer seumur hidup darling hubbyku yang bertungkus lumus captured gambar. dh raya ni boleh tenung lama2... next entry, sy akan cerita pasal orders dibulan syawal. jauh jugak kek2 jalan. smpai utm, jb & kuantan!

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