em, it's 530pm. 30 minutes left before punch out. kompem semua happy sbb esok cuti kan, but not me. esok still responsible pegi keje. ada training fire drill & cpr & semua kene join. masa dpt email i dh terpk, alamak kene fire drill mcm kat boarding school ke dulu? dh terpk nk berlari-larian.. rupanya tak. hhee.. esok bomba dtg & bg briefing. cpr pulak ada few demo. don't worry, modelnya adalah patung tak bernyawa :p
workload? mcm biasa la. mana penah abis kan? the best thing, one big task yg semua concession pass kat outsider kitorg boleh setelkan. i think combination between me & programmer dh ada chemistry. cuma tu la, 10 buat 1000 dtg. feel a bit worried since programmer kata nk sub few task. i have no problem making db script, documentation, designing screen & developing workflow tp seriously part programming with web language aku tak sanggup! katala apa pun, bg la increment camner pun i'm not born to be a programmer! i still remember my old days, rasa nk pengsan siapkan programming. mmg bukan 'makanan' ku. let's see camner nasib aku nnti :p
ff pulak doing ok, dh fully recover from asthma. cuma tu la, since dia ada asthma, resdung, eczema mmg kene monitor food intake. silap je abis esp kalau cuaca hujan. i'm not blaming tp sedihla sbb bende2 tu jadi kat dia. but hubby keep reminding myself, 'tuhan dh bg comel, fair skin, cute, bijak. kene bersyukur part tu & kene redha ujian dia'.. well, nobody's perfect ..
dgn scheduled yg pack, nite meeting, hubby class, cake orders finally smlm kitorg sempat bawak ff ke jusco. adalah 30 kali kot dia dok ulang2 'justo, quis quis' which means "jusco, pls pls". so amatlah happy this little girl dpt lompat2 kt wonderpark. then, request a set of hammer & screw driver & snorkeling mask. enjoyy betull dia. hubby teman while me spending my time buka pose alone kat food court. actually byk jugak dh ganti, tp si nenek ni nyanyuk & lupa bape hari dh ganti. takmo rasa was2, aku ganti je semua. kan ke pandai tu :P
before going home, sempat shopping few things for camelia . psstt.. we're slowly moved so kene purchase few basic things & not forgottten my business thingy for top-up stock & tomorrow's order. mind you, i can spend 30 minutes alone just to choose the best strawberry.. heeeeeeheeee..syokkk tau. ilang pening2 keje ;)
have a great weekend everyone!
saya pun same, rase dah habis dah ganti, tapi sebab tak igtkan, so puase je la lagi. boleh diet!=)
tahun depan wajib pose nam..
beb, bila nk upload gambar dubai??? tak telek gucci sukey ke? :P
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