every cakes has their own story....
my weekend was superb smpai takde rehat (bake.. bake.. bake.. class..i'll make another post about this later on). anyway, i feel honoured & extremely happy while getting chance to bake her cupcakes. yes, i kan extremist baker. even masa yang ada hanya seciput, aku tahu Tuhan Maha Mengetahui. Dia bagi kite 24 hours sehari, jadi kuselit2 masa yg ada & pandai2 adjust to complete her request.
actually, she's my returned customer. tu sbb ada extra happy. thanks babe for putting your trust in me. the best thing about her, dia bagi aku early alert. jadi kami ada byk masa utk pk kan theme walaupun tak bersemuka. ye, order jarak jauh lagi. hehe..
she request for simple design & i email her few samples as a guideline. lega sbb apa yg dipilih adalah sama dgn apa yg kudesign dlm kepala. but, tang bunga je aku replace dgn yellow roses sbb roses kan super sweet!
yes, you hear me.. frosting & deco completed during fiday lunch break yg panjang & nk kene deliver @ tol ayer keroh @9.00pm. so, cantikla dpt frosting yg fresh!
nk cite ni, masa deco suddenly terngiang2 lagu "You took My Heart Away" by MLTR. aisey, camner ni, cake maker terlebih jiwang! haha.. this song helps me a lot esp masa nk tabur silver dragees. next time kene bake disamping background music sbb idea akan meluncur dgn lajunyaaa..
here we go, simple & lovely outcome specially for you;

tak dinafikan, nice shot by a trained photographer mempengaruhi canteknya kek tu, ditambah lagi dgn wajah2 kek yg mmg nice & sweet..
i believe the taste is oso delicious & great as its look! :)
bile nk rasa kek yulie ni ;p
kak ninie,
thanks for nice comment!
so far this is the best vanilla cupcakes i've ever baked! hehe. sbb moist & soft.. em, hopefully org yg disana pun rasa begitu.
wahh..jiwang betul cake maker nih. tp takper..mood jiwang dgn hati yg berbunga2..kompem cake pun sweet ajer..hihihihii
cantik sangat!
akak..cake ni si liza tu order ke?tak sangka kan. die tu kawan saye. hehehe.
nanee, haha. extremist kan! hover la cake maker. tp serious la terngiang2 lagu tu..
julie, tq2!
dian, taklah. ni kek org lain.
si liza tu order besar-besaran on june nnti sempena wedding dia. terasa cam wedding planner lak. hehe.. anyway, thanks kat awak sbb indirectly order awak bukak rezeki akak yg lain. take care smpai sudan nnti.. aisey, syahdu lak :(
takpe, berkat usaha akak bersungguh-sungguh buat yg terbaik 3C's yg saye order tu and bg extra 8 bijik lagi telah melimpah ruahkan rezeki akak.mmg saye doakan mcmtu. really hope dapat rase air tangan akak lagi n meet u 1 day.
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