2-way deep moist chocolate cake, 20cm, 1kg++
(chocolate chips inside, topping with van houten and sprinkled with choc rice, bake + stim)
yogurt peach cake, 20', 15' 0.5kg
(topping : peach dices)
nota kaki: pls excuse my cake presentation babe.. no deco2 yet. i'm still in a learning process ;)
what's the verdict?
alhamdulillah.. licin tak bersisa ;)
waduh2 yulie...sodapnyer...nyum2..lapau lak...
nnti nk mintak resipi lah...
sedapnya...presentation tu tak penting.. yang penting rasa dia tu.. nampak pun dah sedap.. salute ah kat ko.. pandai buat kek.. aku ni memang langsung tak reti..
lela, rajin2la surf cuma kene try byk kali utk hasil yg marvelles. byk trusted resepi .. practise make perfect ;)
noniey, aku ni selalu mandom dan perlukan hobby yg best .. sib baik jumpa hobby yg serasi ngn jiwa.. hihihi
Kalo tgk kek ko nih mmg blh hancuss diet aku.. heheh... blh la aku order utk birthday anak2 aku nanti ye?
gg, ni basic2. jgn risau kompem sedap (ceh, mengikut testimonial customer) cuma rupa out. aku tgh dlm proses nk 'make over' la ni.. bile dh cun bolehla havoc2 sikit.. haha. anyway, welcome to the world aiman!
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