I'll start working tomorrow (setelah berbakul2 call, email .. tak reti2 ke org cuti jaga anak sakit! emo jap) ..There will be *** meeting at kl (bored!)
Staying at home is unpredictable. Sometimes you can manage your time according to schedule but most of the time everything got changed just like what i feel today.

It's a fine & relaxing morning.. i plan to spend my sweet time at bed (err.. extra time!) . Unfortunately this little darling urged me to wake up (@6am!)
Then, i'm trying hard to get her sleep again so that i can follow my checklist (mcm semalam la konon) . bravo! half and hour wasted.. claps claps
She managed to drag me out for simple outdoor activity (bosan kot dok dlm umah je)
Jumping, plucking flowers & singing.. above all, can i claimed it as exercise??? hahahaha
menu of the day:
finger chicken soup - ff
siakap sweet sour + kubis sos tiram .. (lom rasa pun, dinner terus la.. hehe)
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